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Get atlas data should initialize with default values see constructor in atlas datajava all atlas data fields except id that do not have corresponding global properties: Test case result
The below summarizes the result of the test "Get atlas data should initialize with default values see constructor in atlas datajava all atlas data fields except id that do not have corresponding global properties" in build 42 of Atlas - Atlas Module - Build and test Module.
- Description
- Get atlas data should initialize with default values see constructor in atlas datajava all atlas data fields except id that do not have corresponding global properties
- Test class
- org.openmrs.module.atlas.AtlasServiceTest
- Method
- getAtlasData_shouldInitializeWithDefaultValuesSeeConstructorInAtlasDatajavaAllAtlasDataFieldsExceptIdThatDoNotHaveCorrespondingGlobalProperties
- Duration
- < 1 sec
- Status
- Successful