Build: #131 failed

Job: Run QA Framework failed

Stages & jobs

  1. BDD UI Test Framework

Given user logs in, searches john and visits first patient dashboard: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "Given user logs in, searches john and visits first patient dashboard" in build 131 of Contrib - OpenMRS QA Framework - Run QA Framework. View test case history
Given user logs in, searches john and visits first patient dashboard
Test class
Scenario: Adding missing condition
Given User logs in, searches John and visits first patient dashboard
< 1 sec
Failed (New Failure)

Error Log Internal Server Error
	at org.openmrs.uitestframework.test.TestBase.goToLoginPage(
	at org.openmrs.contrib.qaframework.automation.ConditionsSteps.visitFirstJohnsDashboard(
	at ?.Given User logs in, searches John and visits first patient dashboard(conditions.feature:4)