Build: #1194 was successful Scheduled with changes by 3 people

Build result summary


Queue duration
1 minute
1 minute
2aed0560d7acc2039c23377a0fa3c89d928083c6 2aed0560d7acc2039c23377a0fa3c89d928083c6
Successful since
#1168 ()

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
dkayiwa <> dkayiwa <> 2aed0560d7acc2039c23377a0fa3c89d928083c6 2aed0560d7acc2039c23377a0fa3c89d928083c6 Adding retire_reason such that the test can make sense - TRUNK-4916
Daniel Kayiwa Daniel Kayiwa c014f2c6067e257d27a49783de7fb61085d810e2 c014f2c6067e257d27a49783de7fb61085d810e2 Merge pull request #1997 from jtatia/TRUNK-4916
TRUNK-4916 Validators should be called when unretiring/unvoiding an object
Ivo Ulrich <> Ivo Ulrich <> 21d7f429b7e55f73667d9fd4d42c1bec05d0c6e1 21d7f429b7e55f73667d9fd4d42c1bec05d0c6e1 Merge pull request #2122 from MalshaL/master
TRUNK-5054: Extract private methods in PersonServiceImpl.savePerson
Ivo Ulrich <> Ivo Ulrich <> 154e633974a5ffd1f74e23df34acc751fb77ca36 154e633974a5ffd1f74e23df34acc751fb77ca36 Merge pull request #2124 from MalshaL/TRUNK-5045
TRUNK-5045: Extract private methods in PatientServiceImpl.savePatient
MalshaL <> MalshaL <> a4f7044579be718e9a17962d42934363b122ffe7 m a4f7044579be718e9a17962d42934363b122ffe7 TRUNK-5045: Extract private methods in PatientServiceImpl.savePatient

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-4916Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-5045Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-5054Could not obtain issue details from Jira