Build: #1549 was successful Scheduled with changes by teleivo <> and Ivo Ulrich <>

Build result summary


Queue duration
6 seconds
1 minute
3a8da742cef130c997e1f430a8638d35f20192fb 3a8da742cef130c997e1f430a8638d35f20192fb
Successful since
#1377 ()

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
teleivo <> teleivo <> 3a8da742cef130c997e1f430a8638d35f20192fb 3a8da742cef130c997e1f430a8638d35f20192fb Show ModuleFileParser allows empty conditionalResource elements
the ModuleFileParser currently allows


which leads to a ModuleConditionalResource which has no path and no
version. This also shows that the ModuleConditionalResource is flawed
since it only has a default constructor which leads to a state that
should not be allowed
Ivo Ulrich <> Ivo Ulrich <> f773bb911f806f9667ba3b7071796a096a09ee8f f773bb911f806f9667ba3b7071796a096a09ee8f Merge pull request #2644 from teleivo/TRUNK-5385
TRUNK-5385 Use try-with-resource and remove duplication in ModuleFileParser
teleivo <> teleivo <> d0822eb753009531d181ada9166ff9962f522a83 d0822eb753009531d181ada9166ff9962f522a83 TRUNK-5385 Harmonize method parameter order
put Element first in extractModulesWithVersionAttribute as all other
methods which take more than one parameter with on of them of type Element
have it first
teleivo <> teleivo <> fcf28d56d0a9484bf57f78b381744994aea39660 fcf28d56d0a9484bf57f78b381744994aea39660 TRUNK-5385 Fix ModuleFileParser test parsing GP without description
it does not get ignored
teleivo <> teleivo <> 2683d61b35c8f43441b6e67ff01ba9739b5e01a0 2683d61b35c8f43441b6e67ff01ba9739b5e01a0 TRUNK-5385 Harmonize extractConditionalResource tests
move tests for extractConditionalResource into ModuleFileParserTest to
use same style of tests against the public methods instead of package
private one to prepare making it private

after refactorings where dependencies of ModuleFileParser will be put
into its constructor ModuleFileParser(MessageSourceService), the tests
can be written as BaseContextMockTests without use of a database

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-5385Could not obtain issue details from Jira