Build: #1970 was successful Scheduled with changes by georgejunior <> and Wyclif Luyima

Build result summary


Queue duration
2 seconds
1 minute
4a0a626df29ca255d7c18d3a606e85fdde3f5e04 4a0a626df29ca255d7c18d3a606e85fdde3f5e04
Successful since
#1742 ()

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
georgejunior <> georgejunior <> 4a0a626df29ca255d7c18d3a606e85fdde3f5e04 4a0a626df29ca255d7c18d3a606e85fdde3f5e04 Upgrade library org.dbunit:dbunit from 2.5.4 to 2.6.0 TRUNK-5536 (#2945)
Wyclif Luyima Wyclif Luyima 9c3a95fb93f63082711c84ce4724ab30c7b5dab1 9c3a95fb93f63082711c84ce4724ab30c7b5dab1 TRUNK-5492 Replace Person and Patient hbm mapping file with annotations (#2900)
* TRUNK-5492 Replace Person hbm mapping file with annotations

TRUNK-5492 Replace Patient hbm mapping file with annotations

TRUNK-5492 Fixed failing tests

TRUNK-5492 Added special auditable fields to Patient table

TRUNK-5492 Updated Auditable interceptor to set patient auditable fields instead of PatientSaveHandler

TRUNK-5492 Renamed properties back to their original names

TRUNK-5492 Removed unused code

TRUNK-5492 Removed unused code

TRUNK-5492 Removed changes in BaseOpenmrsData

TRUNK-5492 Removed changes in PersonServiceTest

TRUNK-5492 Removed explicit lazy loading from JPA mappings

TRUNK-5492 Removed more explicit lazy loading from JPA mappings

TRUNK-5492 Replaced @Sort with @SortNatural

TRUNK-5492 Removed more explicit lazy loading from JPA mappings

* TRUNK-5492 Removed unnecessary tests and updated comments on BaseContextSensitiveTest

* TRUNK-5492 Removed getter/setter overrides and changed access type to property
Wyclif Luyima Wyclif Luyima f9ba0d0fcb6410f896c37fbf57df730fdb490c2f f9ba0d0fcb6410f896c37fbf57df730fdb490c2f TRUNK-5495 Replace Visit hbm mapping file with annotations (#2909)

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-5492Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-5495Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-5536Could not obtain issue details from Jira