Build: #2225 was successful Scheduled with changes by Ian Bacher and Jonathan Leitschuh <>

Code commits

openmrs-core master

  • Ian Bacher

    Ian Bacher 0cda1f6e5bb3a8d6c00849ffe9ce083ff4f12f12

    Merge pull request #3122 from JLLeitschuh/fix/JLL/use_https_to_resolve_dependencies
    [SECURITY] Use HTTPS to resolve dependencies in Maven Build

  • Jonathan Leitschuh <>

    Jonathan Leitschuh <> 98e2035386631f83a92cd104fb722fa51b210681

    Use HTTPS instead of HTTP to resolve dependencies
    This fixes a security vulnerability in this project where the `pom.xml`
    files were configuring Maven to resolve dependencies over HTTP instead of

    Signed-off-by: Jonathan Leitschuh <>

    • pom.xml (version 98e2035386631f83a92cd104fb722fa51b210681)