Stages & jobs

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  2. QA

Build result summary


Queue duration
< 1 second
25 minutes
77a9385c6d0b1e8c04ea49a1b5cd249ca7175e15 77a9385c6d0b1e8c04ea49a1b5cd249ca7175e15
Total tests
Successful since
#581 ()


  • 0 New failures
  • 0 Existing failures
  • 0 Fixed

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
vinishad <> vinishad <> 77a9385c6d0b1e8c04ea49a1b5cd249ca7175e15 77a9385c6d0b1e8c04ea49a1b5cd249ca7175e15 Vinisha, Bindu | OCLOMRS-831,853,851 | MOBN-1369,1382,1376 | View all public sources, sources under User Organisations and basic details of a source (#597)
* Vinisha, Vineela | OCLOMRS-831 | MOBN-1369 | View all sources under User Organisations

* Vineela | OCLOMRS-831 | MOBN-1369 | Add testcases for sources reducer

* Rakesh, Vineela |  OCLOMRS-831 | MOBN-1369 | Refactor test folder structure

* Rakesh, Vineela | OCLOMRS-831 | MOBN-1369 | Add test cases for Personal Sources and Organisational Sources

* Rakesh, Vineela |  OCLOMRS-831 | MOBN-1369 | Modify data test ids and corresponding test cases

* Rakesh, Vineela |  OCLOMRS-831 | MOBN-1369 | Add test cases for ViewSourcesPage and add generic test-utils

Vinisha, Rakesh, Bindu | MOBN-1382 | View the basic details of a source on the Source Dashboard (#7)

* Bindu,Rakesh | OCLOMRS-853 | MOBN-1382 | Add Routes

* Bindu,Rakesh | OCLOMRS-853MOBN-1382 | Add ViewSourcePage and relevant actions, reducers, selectors and types

* Bindu,Rakesh | OCLOMRS-853 | MOBN-1382 | Add SourceForm Component

* Bindu, Rakesh, vinisha | OCLOMRS-853 | MOBN-1382 | Add fields to source details form

* Vinisha, Bindu | OCLOMRS-853 | MOBN-1382 | Remove the edit link on source details page

* Vinisha, Bindu | OCLOMRS-853 | MOBN-1382 | Add tests for reducer and ViewSourcePage

* Vinisha, Bindu | OCLOMRS-853 | MOBN-1382 | Add tests for Source Form and unused imports

* Vinisha, Bindu | OCLOMRS-853 | MOBN-1382 | Feedback comments

* Vinisha, Rakesh | OCLOMRS-853 | MOBN-1382 | Fixed PR review comments

* Vinisha, Rakesh | OCLOMRS-853 | MOBN-1382 | Refactor test folder structure

Co-authored-by: Rakesh Kumar <>

Mobn 1376 | View all public sources (#9)

* Vinisha, Rakesh | OCLOMRS-851 | MOBN-1376 | View all public sources

* Vinisha, Rakesh | OCLOMRS-851 | MOBN-1376 | Adds tests and refactoring

* Vinisha, Rakesh | OCLOMRS-851 | MOBN-1376 | Add logic for previous path in ribbon and fix last line visibility in container cards

Co-authored-by: Rakesh Kumar <>

Vinisha, Rakesh | OCLOMRS-851MOBN-1376 | Adds test case for utils, fixed card shrink issue (#13)

Co-authored-by: Rakesh Kumar <>

Vinisha | OCLOMRS-851 | MOBN-1376 | Modify api from private to public (#16)

Co-authored-by: venkatavineela <>

Jira issues

1 more issue…
Unknown Issue TypeMOBN-1369Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeMOBN-1376Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeMOBN-1382Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOCLOMRS-831Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeOCLOMRS-851Could not obtain issue details from Jira