Build: #434 failed

Job: Test, build and push docker image failed

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suite for add bulk concepts async actions should handle FETCh FILTEREd CONCEPTs with no filters: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test " suite for add bulk concepts async actions should handle FETCh FILTEREd CONCEPTs with no filters" in build 434 of Open Concept Lab - OCL Dictionary Manager - Default Job. View test case history
suite for add bulk concepts async actions should handle FETCh FILTEREd CONCEPTs with no filters
Test class
Test suite for addBulkConcepts async actions should handle FETCH_FILTERED_CONCEPTS with no filters
Test suite for addBulkConcepts async actions should handle FETCH_FILTERED_CONCEPTS with no filters
< 1 sec
Failed (New Failure)

Error Log

Error: expect(received).toEqual(expected)

Expected value to equal:
  [{"payload": true, "type": "[ui] toggle spinner"}, {"payload": [{"concept_class": "Diagnosis", "datatype": "N/A", "descriptions": [{"description": "The proportion of women of reproductive age (15-49 years) who are not pregnant and are accepting a modern contraceptive method (new and repeat acceptors).  ", "description_type": null, "external_id": null, "locale": "en", "locale_preferred": true, "type": "ConceptDescription", "uuid": "453aa9941e824becaad4b374899e8bcb"}], "display_locale": "en", "display_name": "Bronze Diabetes", "external_id": "146869AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "id": "1468667", "is_latest_version": true, "locale": null, "mappings": null, "owner": "CIEL", "owner_type": "Organization", "owner_url": "/orgs/CIEL/", "retired": false, "source": "CIEL", "url": "/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/concepts/146869/", "version": "5835c0e2955c3c0007e5fb79", "version_url": "/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/concepts/146869/5835c0e2955c3c0007e5fb79/"}], "type": "[concept] fetch_filtered_concepts"}, {"payload": false, "type": "[ui] toggle spinner"}]
  [{"payload": true, "type": "[ui] toggle spinner"}, {"payload": [{"added": false, "concepts": {"concept_class": "Diagnosis", "datatype": "N/A", "descriptions": [{"description": "The proportion of women of reproductive age (15-49 years) who are not pregnant and are accepting a modern contraceptive method (new and repeat acceptors).  ", "description_type": null, "external_id": null, "locale": "en", "locale_preferred": true, "type": "ConceptDescription", "uuid": "453aa9941e824becaad4b374899e8bcb"}], "display_locale": "en", "display_name": "Bronze Diabetes", "external_id": "146869AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "id": "1468667", "is_latest_version": true, "locale": null, "mappings": null, "owner": "CIEL", "owner_type": "Organization", "owner_url": "/orgs/CIEL/", "retired": false, "source": "CIEL", "url": "/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/concepts/146869/", "version": "5835c0e2955c3c0007e5fb79", "version_url": "/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/concepts/146869/5835c0e2955c3c0007e5fb79/"}}], "type": "[concept] fetch_filtered_concepts"}, {"payload": false, "type": "[ui] toggle spinner"}]


- Expected
+ Received

@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
      "type": "[ui] toggle spinner",
    Object {
      "payload": Array [
        Object {
+         "added": false,
+         "concepts": Object {
            "concept_class": "Diagnosis",
            "datatype": "N/A",
            "descriptions": Array [
              Object {
                "description": "The proportion of women of reproductive age (15-49 years) who are not pregnant and are accepting a modern contraceptive method (new and repeat acceptors).  ",
@@ -33,10 +35,11 @@
            "source": "CIEL",
            "url": "/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/concepts/146869/",
            "version": "5835c0e2955c3c0007e5fb79",
            "version_url": "/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/concepts/146869/5835c0e2955c3c0007e5fb79/",
+       },
      "type": "[concept] fetch_filtered_concepts",
    Object {
      "payload": false,
    at toEqual (/home/bamboo-agent/bamboo-agent/xml-data/build-dir/OCL-OC-JOB1/src/tests/bulkConcepts/actions/bulkConcept.test.js:110:34)