FHIR terminology service for OCL

Build: #4 failed Changes by Harsh Patel <hp11@iu.edu>

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Deploy To QA

Build result summary


Queue duration
1 second
2 minutes
b613b3c8849a6cebc7ad4cb7b47add8453413523 b613b3c8849a6cebc7ad4cb7b47add8453413523
Failing since
#3 (Changes by Harsh Patel <hp11@iu.edu>)
Fixed in
#13 (Manual run by Harsh Patel)
No failed test found. A possible compilation error occurred.


This build has been failing since #3
No one has taken responsibility

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Harsh Patel <hp11@iu.edu> Harsh Patel <hp11@iu.edu> b613b3c8849a6cebc7ad4cb7b47add8453413523 b613b3c8849a6cebc7ad4cb7b47add8453413523 OpenConceptLab/ocl_issues#277 Added valueset converter
Harsh Patel <hp11@iu.edu> Harsh Patel <hp11@iu.edu> e8e478d44e6a98f009f255457ffe3ef9deaf3af0 e8e478d44e6a98f009f255457ffe3ef9deaf3af0 OpenConceptLab/ocl_issues#277 ValueSet read and search api implementation
Harsh Patel <hp11@iu.edu> Harsh Patel <hp11@iu.edu> c998afdc82acd617ea5d8147c55526f78fe6f543 c998afdc82acd617ea5d8147c55526f78fe6f543 OpenConceptLab/ocl_issues#274 CodeSystem Search by owner and ownertype

Configuration changes

Plan configuration has changed since the last successful build. See the plan audit log for more details.

Some of the jobs or stages referenced by this result no longer exist.

Restarting failed/incomplete builds only is not possible as some of the affected jobs no longer exist.