Plan responsible for building Docker images for the 3.x demo and development sites

Build: #1930 failed

Job: Run Form Builder E2E Tests failed

Filter forms based on publish status: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "Filter forms based on publish status" in build 1,930 of Reference Application - Distribution 3.x - Run Form Builder E2E Tests. View test case history
Filter forms based on publish status
Test class
Filter forms based on publish status
2 mins
Failed (New Failure)

Error Log

FAILURE: forms-dashboard.spec.ts:14:5 Filter forms based on publish status

  [chromium] › forms-dashboard.spec.ts:14:5 › Filter forms based on publish status › Then I click the filter dropdown 

    Test timeout of 180000ms exceeded.

    Error: Page closed
    =========================== logs ===========================
    waiting for getByText('Filter by:')

      21 |   // Test the filter functionality
      22 |   await test.step('Then I click the filter dropdown', async () => {
    > 23 |     await page.getByText('Filter by:').click();
         |                                        ^
      24 |   });
      25 |
      26 |   await test.step('And I click the Unpublished option', async () => await page.getByText('Unpublished').click());

        at /app/e2e/specs/forms-dashboard.spec.ts:23:40
        at /app/e2e/specs/forms-dashboard.spec.ts:22:14

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