Plan responsible for building Docker images for the 3.x demo and development sites

Build: #1865 failed

Job: Run Patient Chart E2E Tests failed

Should add a program and edit program: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "Should add a program and edit program" in build 1,865 of Reference Application - Distribution 3.x - Run Patient Chart E2E Tests. View test case history
Should add a program and edit program
Test class
Should add a program and edit program
1 min
Failed (New Failure)

Error Log

FAILURE: add-and-edit-program.spec.ts:12:5 Should add a program and edit program

  [chromium] › add-and-edit-program.spec.ts:12:5 › Should add a program and edit program › Then I should see the updated program in the patient chart 

    Error: Timed out 40000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()

    Locator: getByTestId('program-table').locator('tr').locator('td:nth-child(3)').getByText('03-Jul-2023')
    Expected: visible
    Received: hidden
    Call log:
      - expect.toBeVisible with timeout 40000ms
      - waiting for getByTestId('program-table').locator('tr').locator('td:nth-child(3)').getByText('03-Jul-2023')

      70 |   await test.step('Then I should see the updated program in the patient chart', async () => {
      71 |     await expect(programCell).toHaveText('HIV Care and Treatment');
    > 72 |     await expect(enrollmentDateCell.getByText('03-Jul-2023')).toBeVisible();
         |                                                               ^
      73 |     await expect(completionDateCell.getByText('04-Jul-2023')).toBeVisible();
      74 |     await expect(locationCell).toHaveText('Community Outreach');
      75 |   });

        at /app/e2e/specs/add-and-edit-program.spec.ts:72:63
        at /app/e2e/specs/add-and-edit-program.spec.ts:70:3

    attachment #1: video (video/webm) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    attachment #2: trace (application/zip) ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

        yarn playwright show-trace test-results/add-and-edit-program-Should-add-a-program-and-edit-program-chromium/
