Deploys Reference Application SNAPSHOT to maven

Build: #3756 failed

Job: Run UI tests on Travis failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Create Reference Application packages

  2. Deploy to Automated Functional Test Server

  3. Run UI Tests

  4. Deploy to Manual Test Server

  5. Release

    Requires a user to start manually
  6. Create Standalone

Add roles to user test: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "Add roles to user test" in build 3,756 of Reference Application - Distribution 2.x - Run UI tests on Travis. View test case history
Add roles to user test
Test class
47 secs
Failed (Existing Failure)

Error Log

java.lang.AssertionError: role roleStrings.Application:ConfiguresAppointmentScheduling=1 doesn't have matching number of accessible applications: should be:1is:8
	at org.openmrs.reference.AddRolesToUserTest.addRolesToUserTest(