OpenMRS Core Master

Build: #1894 failed

Job: Integration Test failed

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Should pass if there are any order types in the database other than drug order type and the new columns exist: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "Should pass if there are any order types in the database other than drug order type and the new columns exist" in build 1,894 of OpenMRS Core - OpenMRS Core Master - Integration Test. View test case history
Should pass if there are any order types in the database other than drug order type and the new columns exist
Test class
4 secs
Failed (New Failure)

Error Log liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for change set liquibase-update-to-latest.xml::20181402-TRUNK-5339::esirkings:
     Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Error executing SQL CREATE TABLE encounter_diagnosis (diagnosis_id INT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY NOT NULL, diagnosis_coded INT, diagnosis_non_coded VARCHAR(255), diagnosis_coded_name INT, encounter_id INT NOT NULL, patient_id INT NOT NULL, condition_id INT NOT NULL, certainty VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, uuid CHAR(38) NOT NULL, creator INT NOT NULL, date_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, changed_by INT, date_changed TIMESTAMP, voided BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, voided_by INT, date_voided TIMESTAMP, void_reason VARCHAR(255), patient_id INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_ENCOUNTER_DIAGNOSIS PRIMARY KEY (diagnosis_id), UNIQUE (uuid)): Duplicate column name "PATIENT_ID"; SQL statement:
CREATE TABLE encounter_diagnosis (diagnosis_id INT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY NOT NULL, diagnosis_coded INT, diagnosis_non_coded VARCHAR(255), diagnosis_coded_name INT, encounter_id INT NOT NULL, patient_id INT NOT NULL, condition_id INT NOT NULL, certainty VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, uuid CHAR(38) NOT NULL, creator INT NOT NULL, date_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, changed_by INT, date_changed TIMESTAMP, voided BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, voided_by INT, date_voided TIMESTAMP, void_reason VARCHAR(255), patient_id INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_ENCOUNTER_DIAGNOSIS PRIMARY KEY (diagnosis_id), UNIQUE (uuid)) [42121-196]:
          Caused By: Error executing SQL CREATE TABLE encounter_diagnosis (diagnosis_id INT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY NOT NULL, diagnosis_coded INT, diagnosis_non_coded VARCHAR(255), diagnosis_coded_name INT, encounter_id INT NOT NULL, patient_id INT NOT NULL, condition_id INT NOT NULL, certainty VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, uuid CHAR(38) NOT NULL, creator INT NOT NULL, date_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, changed_by INT, date_changed TIMESTAMP, voided BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, voided_by INT, date_voided TIMESTAMP, void_reason VARCHAR(255), patient_id INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_ENCOUNTER_DIAGNOSIS PRIMARY KEY (diagnosis_id), UNIQUE (uuid)): Duplicate column name "PATIENT_ID"; SQL statement:
CREATE TABLE encounter_diagnosis (diagnosis_id INT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY NOT NULL, diagnosis_coded INT, diagnosis_non_coded VARCHAR(255), diagnosis_coded_name INT, encounter_id INT NOT NULL, patient_id INT NOT NULL, condition_id INT NOT NULL, certainty VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, uuid CHAR(38) NOT NULL, creator INT NOT NULL, date_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, changed_by INT, date_changed TIMESTAMP, voided BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, voided_by INT, date_voided TIMESTAMP, void_reason VARCHAR(255), patient_id INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_ENCOUNTER_DIAGNOSIS PRIMARY KEY (diagnosis_id), UNIQUE (uuid)) [42121-196]:
          Caused By: Duplicate column name "PATIENT_ID"; SQL statement:
CREATE TABLE encounter_diagnosis (diagnosis_id INT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY NOT NULL, diagnosis_coded INT, diagnosis_non_coded VARCHAR(255), diagnosis_coded_name INT, encounter_id INT NOT NULL, patient_id INT NOT NULL, condition_id INT NOT NULL, certainty VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, uuid CHAR(38) NOT NULL, creator INT NOT NULL, date_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, changed_by INT, date_changed TIMESTAMP, voided BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, voided_by INT, date_voided TIMESTAMP, void_reason VARCHAR(255), patient_id INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_ENCOUNTER_DIAGNOSIS PRIMARY KEY (diagnosis_id), UNIQUE (uuid)) [42121-196]
	at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(
	at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
	at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
	at org.h2.table.Table.setColumns(
	at org.h2.table.TableBase.<init>(
	at org.h2.table.RegularTable.<init>(
	at org.h2.schema.Schema.createTable(
	at org.h2.command.ddl.CreateTable.update(
	at org.h2.command.CommandContainer.update(
	at org.h2.command.Command.executeUpdate(
	at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcStatement.executeInternal(
	at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcStatement.execute(
	at liquibase.executor.jvm.JdbcExecutor$1ExecuteStatementCallback.doInStatement(
	at liquibase.executor.jvm.JdbcExecutor.execute(
	at liquibase.executor.jvm.JdbcExecutor.execute(
	at liquibase.database.AbstractDatabase.execute(
	at liquibase.database.AbstractDatabase.executeStatements(
	at liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet.execute(
	at liquibase.changelog.visitor.UpdateVisitor.visit(
	at liquibase.Liquibase.update(
	at org.openmrs.util.databasechange.DatabaseUpgradeTestUtil.upgrade(
	at org.openmrs.util.databasechange.DatabaseUpgradeTestUtil.upgrade(
	at org.openmrs.util.databasechange.Database1_9_7UpgradeIT.shouldPassIfThereAreAnyOrderTypesInTheDatabaseOtherThanDrugOrderTypeAndTheNewColumnsExist(