OpenMRS Core 2.6

Build: #176 failed Manual run from the stage: Release by Daniel Kayiwa

Stages & jobs

  1. Build

  2. Test

  3. Deploy

  4. Release

    Requires a user to start manually
  5. Release image variants

Build Times

build time (successful)build time (failed)version control checkout timecurrently building timequeue timeBuild built on xindi.openmrs.orgIntegration Test built on yu.openmrs.orgUnit Test built on xindi.openmrs.orgDeploy to docker built on xindi.openmrs.orgDeploy to docker JDK 11 built on xiao.openmrs.orgDeploy to maven built on yu.openmrs.orgRelease built on xindi.openmrs.orgRelease JDK 11 image built on yu.openmrs.org03:5007:4507:4304:2705:0602:2614:2911:2309112113081409090001:4003:2005:0006:4008:2010:0011:4013:2015:0016:4018:2020:0021:4023:2025:0026:4028:2030:0031:40Build built on xindi.openmrs.orgIntegration Test built on yu.openmrs.orgUnit Test built on xindi.openmrs.orgDeploy to docker built on xindi.openmrs.orgDeploy to docker JDK 11 built on xiao.openmrs.orgDeploy to maven built on yu.openmrs.orgRelease built on xindi.openmrs.orgRelease JDK 11 image built on