

Current activity

No builds are currently running.

Recent history

Status Reason Completed Test results Flags
#225 Changes by Mark Goodrich <> 3 weeks ago Testless build
#224 Changes by Mark Goodrich <> 3 weeks ago Testless build
#223 Changes by Mark Goodrich <> 4 weeks ago Testless build
#222 Changes by sadam <> 4 weeks ago Testless build
#221 Changes by Daniel Kayiwa 4 weeks ago Testless build
#220 Changes by Rafal Korytkowski 1 month ago Testless build
#219 Changes by Amos Laboso <> 1 month ago Testless build
#218 Changes by Gayan Weerakutti <> 1 month ago Testless build
#217 Changes by Tusha <> 1 month ago Testless build
#216 Changes by OpenMRS Administrator 1 month ago Testless build
  • Showing 1-10 of 10

Branch statistics

  • 199 builds
  • 39% successful
  • 44m average duration

VCS branch details

dkayiwa <>

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