Demo data generator for OpenMRS 3.x

Plan summary

Current activity

No builds are currently running.

Recent history

Status Reason Completed Test results Flags
#939 Manual run from the stage: Release by Ian Bacher 10 months ago 9 passed
#938 Custom build by Ian Bacher with revision 18d8506d8cc466e792508d4d1c59b83170a7126b 10 months ago 9 passed Custom revision
#937 Rebuilt by Ian Bacher 10 months ago 9 passed
#936 Manual run from the stage: Release by Ian Bacher 10 months ago 9 passed
#935 Changes by Daniel Kayiwa 10 months ago 9 passed
#934 Changes by Daniel Kayiwa 10 months ago 1 of 9 failed
#933 Changes by Daniel Kayiwa 10 months ago 9 passed
#932 Changes by Daniel Kayiwa 10 months ago 9 passed
#931 Manual run from the stage: Release by Nathan Ruhanga 1 year ago 9 passed Custom build
#930 Changes by Daniel Kayiwa 1 year ago 9 passed
  • Showing 1-10 of 10

Plan statistics

  • 25 builds
  • 72% successful
  • 1275m average duration

“Reference Demo Data - Reference Demo Data 2.x” all builds RSS feed Feed for all builds or just the failed builds.