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  2. Deploy Trunk Nightly
  3. Releases

Release: openmrs-trunk-2266

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 166f25333a9f65559f27080b542461be91133d53 TRUNK-5813 Replace all ExpectedException Rules and the @Test(expected..7)
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 08132c81b356ab00c531f69f10336241b4751017 TRUNK-5813 Replace all ExpectedException Rules and the @Test(expected..8)
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> cc6cbd7def3f7ecab3ad57318107210add635cd4 TRUNK-5813 Replace all ExpectedException Rules and the @Test(expected..6)
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> c9fb6a3c7190c8edd1c7fb3284b847baffdb15c0 TRUNK-5813 Replace all ExpectedException Rules and the @Test(expected..3)