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  3. Releases

Release: openmrs-trunk-800

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
Daniel Kayiwa Daniel Kayiwa 428de56c562147c04cb2a84dccdb6d9aebe1f6bf Merge pull request #1389 from SharonVarghese/TRUNK-2717
TRUNK-2717:Display a meaningful message when a scheduled task with no re...
sharonvarghese <kmit.sharonvarghese@gmail.com> sharonvarghese <kmit.sharonvarghese@gmail.com> 14b03a4d9a785200173c8750b882ce4d45c86b7e TRUNK-2717:Display a meaningful message when a scheduled task with no repeat interval fails to start