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  3. Releases

Release: openmrs-trunk-1309

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> 8444b6348188d6a71e34ae41b81935b1a99ed2c4 TRUNK-4901 Scheduled orders cannot be discontinued
* add Order.isActivated()
* add Order.isActivated(Date)
* fix issues introduced by switching isFuture with isStarted/!isStarted for
orders scheduled in the future
** Order.isActive(Date) of stopped orders scheduled for the future were
considered active
** Order.isDiscontinued(Date) of stopped orders scheduled for the future which
were not considered discontinued
* add OrderService tests to ensure we can revise orders scheduled in the
future and that the original orders are considered discontinued
* add OrderService tests to ensure we can discontinue orders scheduled in the
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> 8e16a1233c7240995e70886eaf1a5197468c4052 fix ugly formatting in some Order related classes
Daniel Kayiwa Daniel Kayiwa 9fc74b59214b62eac2807e5c24310e8b87441f53 Merge pull request #1817 from teleivo/TRUNK-4902
TRUNK-4902 HibernateOrderDAO exception uses wrong message code
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> 9e7f0879beef1b9dedc18ed0c88a6da5e4f5ac84 TRUNK-4902 HibernateOrderDAO exception uses wrong message code
HibernateOrderDAO has a whitespace in one of its exceptions message codes in

* remove whitespace in message code string
* remove unused code in getNextOrderNumberSeedSequenceValue