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Release: openmrs-trunk-1897

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
Ivo Ulrich <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com> Ivo Ulrich <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com> 711922c23a5ddcd2e033b40abf94830b20c27dc7 Merge pull request #2619 from teleivo/TRUNK-5369
TRUNK-5369 Refactor Module.getExtensions
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> 3bd90cb07ebe9267d22c14a4c4d4183e6beb94b4 TRUNK-5369 Harmonize logging
* harmonize logging statements and log the moduleId so errors are easy
to link to the module
* merge catch clause by using a logging statement that works for all
catch clauses. No information is lost as the exception is passed to the
logger anyway.
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> d6b1b1c121141a80a32dcebb8db99c2b4956a666 TRUNK-5369 Add/improve javadocs
add a sample from a config.xml extension tag so its easy to understand
how extensionNames lead to the expansion of Extension's
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> d33d8d5d2afe7472a50633aff5fc4a7b528339fb TRUNK-5369 Use guard clause in getExtensions
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> 5dca36a63296c66c5f6300525260f74d6dd2fc91 TRUNK-5369 Rename method extensionsMatchNames
to isNoNeedToExpand() to better reflect what it is doing as it does not
only check whether the extensionNames match the extensions
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> cc1af14783886afab7f55bc34fa9d92af00d8d52 TRUNK-5369 Make a guard clause to reduce nesting
check whether extensionNames is null or empty and if so return true and
leave the method since there is nothing to expand
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> 5d89dd4a724edaf79960748a887af964f28c2d58 TRUNK-5369 Inline temporary variable
since its only used once and also created far away from its use,
inline it
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> 9791bdbf5c4f4ad5d06deb89f362fca92110a3d6 TRUNK-5369 Remove unnecessary call to extensionsMatchNames
expandExtensionNames() which is private and only called after we already
checked that !extensionsMatchNames() == true, makes another call to it
which is not necessary and  now removed