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Release: openmrs-trunk-1904

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
mgoodrich <mark.goodrich@live.com> mgoodrich <mark.goodrich@live.com> 36ed0f8ccf19f22d2f2791d5c04bfe5e24582e03 TRUNK-5375: New Core 2.1 Cohort module significantly slows down Cohort manipulation
Ivo Ulrich <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com> Ivo Ulrich <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com> 732eafc0cb64cec6162ab0ef21a1724f868cea7e Merge pull request #2634 from teleivo/TRUNK-5377
TRUNK-5377 Remove redundant logging on failed module start
teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> 1747d5a45c96d3107fa32d7fae1810215a94ab9a TRUNK-5377 Remove redundant logging on failed module start
inline private method ModuleFactory.getModuleFromFile
since it does not add any value. (It is private and only used once.)

It simply catches ModuleExceptions, adds logging that
replicates whats inside the Exception and rethrows the ModuleException.
The same information will be visible in the log of the ModuleException
which causes the exception to be logged twice.