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  2. Deploy Trunk Nightly
  3. Releases

Release: openmrs-trunk-2031

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
ahammi <45977120+ahammi@users.noreply.github.com> ahammi <45977120+ahammi@users.noreply.github.com> 1d76f1038403da3276aa9e2300f9cbb4c8a07c95 TRUNK-381: Support for alternate authentication schemes (#2833)
* TRUNK-381: Support for alternate authentication scheme

* TRUNK-381: Completing with @since and @Deprecated annotations.

* TRUNK-381: Expanded on unit tests + misc. renaming.

* TRUNK-381: Refining deprecation JavaDoc.