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Release: openmrs-trunk-2063

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
georgejunior <43445430+georgejunior@users.noreply.github.com> georgejunior <43445430+georgejunior@users.noreply.github.com> 4a0a626df29ca255d7c18d3a606e85fdde3f5e04 Upgrade library org.dbunit:dbunit from 2.5.4 to 2.6.0 TRUNK-5536 (#2945)
Wyclif Luyima Wyclif Luyima 9c3a95fb93f63082711c84ce4724ab30c7b5dab1 TRUNK-5492 Replace Person and Patient hbm mapping file with annotations (#2900)
* TRUNK-5492 Replace Person hbm mapping file with annotations

TRUNK-5492 Replace Patient hbm mapping file with annotations

TRUNK-5492 Fixed failing tests

TRUNK-5492 Added special auditable fields to Patient table

TRUNK-5492 Updated Auditable interceptor to set patient auditable fields instead of PatientSaveHandler

TRUNK-5492 Renamed properties back to their original names

TRUNK-5492 Removed unused code

TRUNK-5492 Removed unused code

TRUNK-5492 Removed changes in BaseOpenmrsData

TRUNK-5492 Removed changes in PersonServiceTest

TRUNK-5492 Removed explicit lazy loading from JPA mappings

TRUNK-5492 Removed more explicit lazy loading from JPA mappings

TRUNK-5492 Replaced @Sort with @SortNatural

TRUNK-5492 Removed more explicit lazy loading from JPA mappings

* TRUNK-5492 Removed unnecessary tests and updated comments on BaseContextSensitiveTest

* TRUNK-5492 Removed getter/setter overrides and changed access type to property
Wyclif Luyima Wyclif Luyima f9ba0d0fcb6410f896c37fbf57df730fdb490c2f TRUNK-5495 Replace Visit hbm mapping file with annotations (#2909)