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  2. Deploy Trunk Nightly
  3. Releases

Release: openmrs-trunk-2079

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
Ruhanga <41738040+Ruhanga@users.noreply.github.com> Ruhanga <41738040+Ruhanga@users.noreply.github.com> 6e5995fe5167ab65b6139b4c0477bcc610d747fb Switching to next development iteration: 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT (#3010)
Ruhanga <41738040+Ruhanga@users.noreply.github.com> Ruhanga <41738040+Ruhanga@users.noreply.github.com> eac7f315a668bc2d02824a6f50c9ee2e817ddc9f TRUNK-381: DaoAuthenticationScheme to return ContextDAO from Context.
* TRUNK-381 : Context to be the single source of truth of the ContextDAO instance

* TRUNK-381 : Removing unused ContextDAO local variable