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  2. Deploy Trunk Nightly
  3. Releases

Release: openmrs-trunk-2169

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
dkayiwa <kayiwadaniel@gmail.com> dkayiwa <kayiwadaniel@gmail.com> a35f2ee1ef3e7a3a2aa9b4dd5ce09905c02d177f Upgrading to latest maintenance versions of Spring and Hibernate - TRUNK-5498
alinmihaila99 <59296256+alinmihaila99@users.noreply.github.com> alinmihaila99 <59296256+alinmihaila99@users.noreply.github.com> 41769ed0bafed3b958fc119189480c90994ac6e8 TRUNK-5068: Add tests to ProgramWorkflowService (#3135)
dkayiwa <kayiwadaniel@gmail.com> dkayiwa <kayiwadaniel@gmail.com> e11373b707d262fd240b560135eddcedd99d6061 Fixing cannot find module hibernate mappings error - TRUNK-5498