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Release: openmrs-trunk-2202

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
Mark Goodrich <mark.goodrich@live.com> Mark Goodrich <mark.goodrich@live.com> df6a7a6a876962082c5a36a14192c46c46a432f9 TRUNK-5739: Expand updateOrderFulfillerStatus to also set accession n… (#3208)
* TRUNK-5739: Expand updateOrderFulfillerStatus to also set accession number
Samuel Male <samuelsmalek@gmail.com> Samuel Male <samuelsmalek@gmail.com> 5602113b072ae1a87a1b40a9b830cfa1821a10a2 TRUNK-5728: Adding liquibase changeset for introducing the 'encounter_id' column to table conditions to liquibase-update-to-latest-2.4.x.xml (#3212)
Samuel Male <samuelsmalek@gmail.com> Samuel Male <samuelsmalek@gmail.com> a3cbb000e944f9d56cb716e38d74477269ddaeff TRUNK-5728: using a unique foreign constrain name for the 'encounter_id' column in the 'conditions' table (#3210)
Samuel Male <samuelsmalek@gmail.com> Samuel Male <samuelsmalek@gmail.com> 53e4d9ce7b94b4c6e7cb0f7b817244664d3c0124 TRUNK-5728: Condition to be linked to an Encounter (#3184)
* TRUNK-5728: Condition to be linked to an Encounter

* TRUNK-5728: Adding minor release version 2.3.1 to @since annotation

* TRUNK-5728: Fixing a minor formating

* TRUNK-5728: Using Java 8 streams

* Remove extraneous whitespace

* TRUNK-5728: Existing rows in the test datasets should not be tampered…

* TRUNK-5728: method Encounter#addCondition(Condition) should fail with a NPE with a null argument

Co-authored-by: Ian <52504170+ibacher@users.noreply.github.com>