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  3. Releases

Release: openmrs-trunk-2288

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
?ukasz D?bicki <sacull@gmail.com> ?ukasz D?bicki <sacull@gmail.com> 7c960f4bd883122eafe03736d72c0e665e569134 TRUNK-5849: Delete unnecessary "todo" (#3342)
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 188df04dc3424302ec13f6ce40029a570de7b9c7 TRUNK-5816: Migrate unit tests to Junit5 4
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 64a3d12f4a3d8be776c3977396f7bb97037d0069 TRUNK-5816: Migrate unit tests to Junit5
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> e3b1d06cc494a60617a2304412b8d47b89b5a2b0 TRUNK-5816: Migrate unit tests to Junit5 2
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 2e82ea6586a6b687fc392faab24f379f72db3b7d TRUNK-5816: Migrate unit tests to Junit5 3
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 89e3c22efdbb1e57ce27df1b97485ebb0d18b978 TRUNK-5816: Migrate unit tests to Junit5 1
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 6cde7661dc3318ec692453ef8638a95abdaef2cd TRUNK-5816 : Migrate unit tests to Junit5
dkayiwa <kayiwadaniel@gmail.com> dkayiwa <kayiwadaniel@gmail.com> 4b359123606ec2ebf2a10bdbbd80bf95c33ea893 TRUNK-4830 Upgrade liquibase
dkayiwa <kayiwadaniel@gmail.com> dkayiwa <kayiwadaniel@gmail.com> e9f07e16a17f0d5c9a6f6783d6e23299a4f17334 TRUNK-5498 - Upgrading Hibernate and Spring
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> b3d2fab879ab757f8c1798fe3fce0041b10fc5d6 TRUNK-5816: Migrate unit tests to Junit5
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 5cb01f9a55dc498cdc8197dc375db33f13867887 TRUNK-5816: Migrate unit tests to Junit5