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Release: openmrs-trunk-2360

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
Am-Coder <39997970+Am-Coder@users.noreply.github.com> Am-Coder <39997970+Am-Coder@users.noreply.github.com> 80c60f825948f404c510661678d56f4b8a2f54ef TRUNK-5826: Fix error when creating user on Postgres (#3288)
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> ea8bbc6b819230d72585dafe678cbc13d7229efa TRUNK-5817: Migrate web and webapp package test to Junit 5
?ukasz D?bicki <sacull@gmail.com> ?ukasz D?bicki <sacull@gmail.com> 87d47d4abd9de67c6e6274698db1b0b672ba1532 TRUNK-5839: Add information about newer Java versions than 9 (#3325)
?ukasz D?bicki <sacull@gmail.com> ?ukasz D?bicki <sacull@gmail.com> ebb31be5268488133c5cf573e31d171881ed0144 TRUNK-5857: Change of object type to primitive (#3348)
Frederik Ruether <freddy92.online@googlemail.com> Frederik Ruether <freddy92.online@googlemail.com> 74b3ef8ef03954c59b5dfd57ca318453da49b3c8 TRUNK-5724: Refactor getSimilarPeople to use Lucene (#3152)
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> cd9f10b4fba8297c3f90d77f86d12f5a0b965948 TRUNK-5817: Migrate web and webapp package tests to Junit 5
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 73c8d3d66c5e65a46b839a698c82a845ad199e19 TRUNK-5817: Migrate web and webapp package tests to Junit 5
achilep <you@example.com> achilep <you@example.com> 340e9967ecc1ade922cc71b7b77977991ad68a8e TRUNK-5816: Migrate api package tests to Junit 5