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Release: openmrs-trunk-2570

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


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This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
Ivo <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com> Ivo <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com> 9ccfe8d27bb36bcec4ea5253b1aa4c52b39d51cf TRUNK-5981 Manage spring dependencies via spring BOM (#3665)
spring provides a bill of materials that already manages all the
artifacts released under springframework. This ensures versions are kept
in sync. Exclusions cannot be stated in an import so they have to be
provided explicitly.
achilep <pahonsibebeto@gmail.com> achilep <pahonsibebeto@gmail.com> 9810f827569dba759c11cb8dd958dbdb21607e3d TRUNK-5844 Deprecate Junit 4 helpers
teleivo <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com> teleivo <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com> d19a6304e9d06b4f3ac7a0c621793280d188495e TRUNK-5982 Adapt to new hamcrest packaging
hamcrest as of 2.x ships what was previously in hamcrest-core and
hamcrest-library in a single jar at artifact coordinate

So as of 2.x you only need to depend on the org.hamcrest:hamcrest.
Since JUnit 4 depends on hamcrest-core we need to follow these steps

to make sure also hamcrest-core is updated. The dependency on
hamcrest-core can be removed once JUnit 4 support is dropped.