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Release: openmrs-trunk-2758

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge


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This release
Author Commit Message Commit date
Christopher Miiro <chrismiiroslav@gmail.com> Christopher Miiro <chrismiiroslav@gmail.com> 629b9a08a23e894953d2aecb934811e9efbec7b3 TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable (#3865)
* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable; correcting JavaDoc comments, to @Since 2.5.0 in OrderAttribute and OrderAttributeType classes

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable; correcting JavaDoc comments, to 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT in OrderAttribute and OrderAttributeType classes

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable; correcting JavaDoc comments, to 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT in OrderAttribute and OrderAttributeType classes

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable; correcting JavaDoc comments to 2.5.0 in OrderAttribute and OrderAttributeType classes and adding license-headers

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, adding implementation and resolving merge conflicts.

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, fixing Liquibase integration test.

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, adding precoditions for the order_attribute and order_attribute_type tables.

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, modifying tests.

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, reverting Indentation changes in the HibernateOrderDAO class

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, adding unimplemented methods in the HibernateOrderDAO class after reverting Indentation changes to commit 8e597d7

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, adding attributes relationship to Order.hbm.xml and improving tests

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributtable,cleaning up fileds from Order class that are already in base class

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, replacing literal with constants in tests

* TURNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, removing redundant assertions

* TURNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, removing redundant constants

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, modifying tests.

* TRUNK-6027:Make Orders Attributable, removing duplicate tests and adding since annotations to OrderService Javadocs