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Release: openmrs-trunk-644

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge

Related Jira issues

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Comparison is available only for releases created from the same branch as this release.

This release
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions
New Feature TRUNK-2069 Obs should have a pointer for the form_field it was created through Closed Wyclif Luyima Platform 1.11.0
Bug TRUNK-2888 Retired states should not appear on the patient dashboard Closed Unassigned
New Feature TRUNK-3474 Remove not null constraint on the description column/property for all OpenmrsMetadata objects Closed Jakub BuczyƄski Platform 1.11.0
Bug TRUNK-3564 Default values not recognized In the Locations --> "Manage Layout" Closed Jakub Kondrat Platform 1.11.0
Bug TRUNK-3912 Task does not turn off automatically when uninstalling the module associated with it Closed Jakub Kondrat Platform 1.11.0, Platform 2.0.0
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