simple	19-Dec-2024 23:28:38	Build HTML Form Entry UI - htmlformentryui module - Default Job #3963 (HFEUI-HFEUI-JOB1-3963) started building on agent (3), bamboo version: 8.2.4
simple	19-Dec-2024 23:28:38	Remote agent on host
simple	19-Dec-2024 23:28:38	Build working directory is /home/bamboo-agent/bamboo-agent/xml-data/build-dir/HFEUI-HFEUI-JOB1
error	19-Dec-2024 23:41:49	Build HFEUI-HFEUI-JOB1-3963 had to be cancelled: it was marked as in progress in DB but no agents were assigned to it.