Tests: 33 passed
Duration: 1922 minutes
Changes: Who: JonathanThembo <jonathanthembo123@gmail.com>
Why: Ra 2004:(fix)No mapping for GET /openmrs/module/patientimages/manage.form (#12)
* Rename DrawingManageController.java to DrawingManageController.java.form

* Update and rename DrawingManageController.java.form to DrawingManageController.java

* RA-2004: (FIX)No mapping for GET /openmrs/module/patientimages/manage.form

Who: Brandon Istenes <bistenes@gmail.com>
Why: Don"t automatically pull in new messages files
New languages also have to be added to /omod/src/main/resources/config.xml manually whenever they are added. Therefore automatically downloading the language file is just confusing.

Who: Rafal Korytkowski
Why: Do not set permissions as it fails

Who: Burke Mamlin <burke@openmrs.org>
Why: ITSM-4320: upgrade sourceforce key to ED25519

Who: Brandon Istenes <bistenes@gmail.com>
Why: Allow setting the repository name, to support repos other than "openmrs/openmrs-module-XYZ"

Changes by 4 people