Plan for the Admin UI module. More details of the release in

Build: #163 was successful

Job: Release to maven did not start

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Code commits

Admin UI

  • Stephen Senkomago Musoke

    Stephen Senkomago Musoke 6877a57a721b36328dde2e88dd53d3e711a51179

    RA-1592 : Boostrap as a foundation for Reference Application UI Project - Update JQuery to the latest version

  • Akayeshmantha <>

    Akayeshmantha <> b227fae7bbca8b41d306b7a3962bc3d3b071daf9 m

    fix the jqeury conflict by adding latest jquery version.

    • omod/src/main/webapp/pages/metadata/locations/manageLocations.gsp (version b227fae7bbca8b41d306b7a3962bc3d3b071daf9)