Plan for the Allergy UI module. More details of the release in

Build: #311 was successful Changes by dkayiwa <>

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Code commits


  • dkayiwa <>

    dkayiwa <> 72d4689eb1e964c4d25cd759acdaf59126351823

    Fixing delete allergies message text which does not change but stays with the first allergy that you attempt to delete

    • omod/src/main/webapp/fragments/removeAllergyDialog.gsp (version 72d4689eb1e964c4d25cd759acdaf59126351823)
    • omod/src/main/webapp/resources/scripts/allergies.js (version 72d4689eb1e964c4d25cd759acdaf59126351823)