
Job summary

Current activity

No jobs are currently running.

Recent history

Status Reason Completed Test results Flags
#183 Code changes detected 1 year ago 109 passed
#182 Manual run by Rafal Korytkowski 2 years ago 109 passed
#181 Child of TRUNK-LATEST-277 2 years ago Testless build
#180 Child of TRUNK-LATEST-275 2 years ago 109 passed
#179 Child of TRUNK-LATEST-274 2 years ago 109 passed
#178 Code changes detected 3 years ago 109 passed
#177 Manual run from the stage: Release by Herbert Yiga 3 years ago 109 passed
#176 Manual run from the stage: Release by Herbert Yiga 3 years ago 109 passed
#175 Manual run from the stage: Default Stage by Herbert Yiga 3 years ago 109 passed
#174 Manual run from the stage: Release by Herbert Yiga 3 years ago 109 passed
  • Showing 1-10 of 10

Job statistics

  • 25 builds
  • 96% successful
  • 1m average duration

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