3.0.1 Release of Cohort Module from a specific commit b156e9f3265d585484b5b5fde16da85a28a75bb6

Build: #1 was successful

Job: Deploy to production did not start

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Deploy to production

    Requires a user to start manually


There is no metadata available for this build.


The following parameters have been used by this build.

Name Value
transifex.password ********
refapp.distro.dev.branch master
dockerhub.password ********
maven.release.version 2.5.0
docs.aws.secret.key ********
dockerhub.username openmrsci
docker.image.platforms linux/amd64,linux/arm64
preparing.refapp.distro.release false
refapp.distro.scm git@github.com:openmrs/openmrs-distro-referenceapplication.git
mavenBuildGoals clean install
docker.image.id openmrs/addonindex@sha256:d9b0ca89e310ae50e2a112f70f75c35434b251bf07c07e697a9966a4a780c737
transifex.username api
docs.aws.access.key AKIAI7KMDL5KP2673G7A