Build: #959 was successful Manual run by Darius Jazayeri

Stages & jobs

  1. Build

  2. Package

Build result summary


Queue duration
1 minute
21 minutes
0a3ef2bf2fb930aec347150746da990e3c05875c 0a3ef2bf2fb930aec347150746da990e3c05875c
b02975dd677823aa0d6069fe40353fa31f11e9aa b02975dd677823aa0d6069fe40353fa31f11e9aa
ebola-kerrytown distro
21a5b2c2ecd97d94d2138cec5475521c1f3e00e1 21a5b2c2ecd97d94d2138cec5475521c1f3e00e1
Total tests
First to pass since
#958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266)


Configuration changes

Some of the jobs or stages referenced by this result no longer exist.


Fixed tests 33
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
Successful BedAssignmentServiceTest assign_shouldAssignPatientToTheBedLocation History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 4 secs
Successful BedAssignmentServiceTest testGetAssignedWardAndBed History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful BedAssignmentServiceTest testGetBedAssignments History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful BedAssignmentServiceTest getPatientAssignedTo_shouldGetPatientAssignedToABed History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful BedAssignmentServiceTest getBedAssignments_shouldGetBedAssignmentsForTheWardLocation History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful BedAssignmentServiceTest testGetAllBedAssignments History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful EbolaExampleActivatorComponentTest setPreferredConceptName_shouldTagShortName History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful EbolaExampleActivatorComponentTest testStarted History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 6 secs
Successful EbolaExampleActivatorComponentTest setPreferredConceptName_shouldSetPreferredName History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 5 secs
Successful PharmacyServiceTest testCreatingAScheduledDose History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful PharmacyServiceTest testGetScheduledDosesByPatientAndDateRange History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful PharmacyServiceTest testGetAllScheduledDoses History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful FeatureToggleDAOTest shouldBeAbleToTurnFeatueToggleOnEvenNoToggleFoundInDB History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful FeatureToggleDAOTest shouldBeAbleToGetAllFeatureToggles History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful FeatureToggleDAOTest shouldBeAbleToTurnFeatueToggleOffEvenNoToggleFoundInDB History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful IvFluidOrderStatusDAOTest shouldSetIvFluidStatusAsStarted History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 25 secs
Successful IvFluidOrderStatusDAOTest shouldGetLatestIvFluidOrderStatus History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 43 secs
Successful IvFluidOrderStatusDAOTest shouldGetAllIvFluidOrderStatuses History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 1 sec
Successful IvFluidOrderTest shouldSaveValidOrders History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 39 secs
Successful RoundBasedDosingInstructionsTest validate_shouldValidateDoseUnitsIsNotEmpty History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 3 secs
Successful RoundBasedDosingInstructionsTest validate_shouldValidateRouteIsNotEmpty History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 6 secs
Successful RoundBasedDosingInstructionsTest validate_shouldValidateDosingInstructions History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 4 secs
Successful RoundBasedDosingInstructionsTest validate_shouldValidateDoseIsNotEmpty History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 4 secs
Successful RoundBasedDosingInstructionsTest getDosingInstructionsAsString_shouldIncludeDurationInformation History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 4 secs
Successful RoundBasedDosingInstructionsTest getDosingInstructionsAsString_shouldIncludePRNInformation History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 2 mins
Successful RoundBasedDosingInstructionsTest getDosingInstructionsAsString_shouldAppendRoundInformationFromDosingInstructions History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 5 secs
Successful UnvalidatedFreeTextDosingInstructionsTest validate_emptyOrdersShouldBeValid History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 4 secs
Successful UnvalidatedFreeTextDosingInstructionsTest getDosingInstructionsAsString_returnsPlaceholderStringInsteadOfNull History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 6 secs
Successful UnvalidatedFreeTextDosingInstructionsTest getDosingInstructions_setsInstructions History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 5 secs
Successful UnvalidatedFreeTextDosingInstructionsTest getDosingInstructions_returnsUnvalidatedFreeTextDosingInstructions History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 4 secs
Successful KerryTownMetadataTest testInstall History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module < 1 sec
Successful KerryTownAfterPatientCreatedActionTest testAfterPatientCreated History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 13 secs
Successful DataExportTest testRegistrationDataExport History
Failing since build #958 (Child of REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-3266) Build Module 9 secs