HFE compatible with platform 2.0 up to 2.3.2

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Build result summary


Queue duration
< 1 second
10 minutes
db50553c9ac25b0c86a63a150a42f6d2b516f4cf db50553c9ac25b0c86a63a150a42f6d2b516f4cf
Release scripts
681f3bff12454842e7e4fae01a15ce2827d75dc7 681f3bff12454842e7e4fae01a15ce2827d75dc7
Total tests
Successful since
#96 ()


Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
icrc-jfigueiredo <72515287+icrc-jfigueiredo@users.noreply.github.com> icrc-jfigueiredo <72515287+icrc-jfigueiredo@users.noreply.github.com> db50553c9ac25b0c86a63a150a42f6d2b516f4cf db50553c9ac25b0c86a63a150a42f6d2b516f4cf HTML-755: <encounterDate showTime="true"/> to support time zones. (#219)
* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Using getters and setters.
Changing timezone word using always minor "z"
Add Global Variable to timezone on the constants file and add its value in the config.xml

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Reuse some code from TimeWidget
Add a new test to work with the global variable

* Code alignment between ZonedDateTimeWidget, DateWidget and TimeWidget.

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

* HTML-755: ZonedDateTimeWidget to reuse DateWidget and TimeWidget routines.

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Fix new timezones tests.

* HTML-755: Updating and expanding on EncounterDateTagTest.

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Remove some functions only used for tests.

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Change date format to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"

* HTML-755: Removed EncounterDetailSubmissionElement#generateHtmlDateWidget.

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Fix test with wrong date format
Change the WidgetFactory.displayValue so we can add a class to the html.
ZonedDateTimeWidget generateHtml now use the WidgetFactory.displayValue

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

remove unnecessary condition

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Change class name

* HTML-755: New date utils temporarily added to HtmlFormEntryUtil.

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

remove unnecessary condition

* HTML-755: Finalising the GP use strategy + fixing tests.

* HTML-755: Renaming test case as submitEncounterDateWithoutTimezone_shouldError.

* HTML-755: ZonedDateTimeWidget to be the registered widget.

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Remvove, hideSeconds

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Remove hideSeconds

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Remove hideSeconds

* Removing unnecessary blank line.

* Upadting "htmlformentry.error.noClientTimezone".

* HTML-755: Disuse of org.joda.time.DateMidnight.

* HTML-755: EncounterDateTagTest to reset to system timezone upon completion.

* HTML-755: Added org.openmrs.util.TimeZoneUtil.

* Updated htmlformentry.handleTimezones description.

* HTML-755: Using results.assertEncounterDatetime.

* HTML-755 Convert from client timezone to server timezone before saving on the DB

Change initial value format for date.
Add new function to TimeZoneUtil to convert from string with format ISO 8601 to date

* HTML-755 Change the timezone GP name

* HTML-755 Replace GP name

* HTML-755 Change names only

* HTML-755 Update TimeZoneUtil.java with new functionalities

* HTML-755 Create new constant for UP_CLIENT_TIMEZONE "htmlformentry.client.timezone"

* HTML-755 Remove white spaces from messages.properties

* HTML-755 Remove white spaces from messages.properties

* HTML-755 Remove unnecessary constant prefix, remove unused constant.

Co-authored-by: mks-d <dimitri@mekomsolutions.com>
Co-authored-by: Joel Figueiredo <71354718+JFFigueiredo@users.noreply.github.com>

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeHTML-755Could not obtain issue details from Jira