More details of the release in

Build: #211 failed

Job: Default Job failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Test results

  • 76 tests in total
  • 1 test failed
  • 1 failure is new
  • 2 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 58 seconds taken in total.

Build 211 has the following 1 errors: 1 new failure(s) occurred since the previous build.

New test failures 1
Status Test Duration
Collapse Failed IdentifierSourceControllerTest importIdentifiers_shouldAcceptJson History
< 1 sec
org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.InvalidUseOfMatchersException:  Misplaced argument matcher detected here:  -> at org.openmrs.module.idgen.web.controller.IdentifierSourceRestControllerTest.shouldThrowAnExceptionWhenARequiredParameterIsMissing(  You cannot use argument matchers outside of verification or stubbing. Examples of correct usage of argument matchers:     when(mock.get(anyInt())).thenReturn(null);     doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mock).someVoidMethod(anyObject());     verify(mock).someMethod(contains("foo"))  Also, this error might show up because you use argument matchers with methods that cannot be mocked. Following methods *cannot* be stubbed/verified: final/private/equals()/hashCode(). 
Misplaced argument matcher detected here:

-> at org.openmrs.module.idgen.web.controller.IdentifierSourceRestControllerTest.shouldThrowAnExceptionWhenARequiredParameterIsMissing(

You cannot use argument matchers outside of verification or stubbing.
Examples of correct usage of argument matchers:
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