Build: #239 was successful Scheduled with changes by Wyclif Luyima

Build result summary


Queue duration
11 minutes
2 minutes
b8e85a90a7e5cd8a0db4fc17f9209c3360c6b922 b8e85a90a7e5cd8a0db4fc17f9209c3360c6b922
Successful since
#187 ()

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Wyclif Luyima Wyclif Luyima b8e85a90a7e5cd8a0db4fc17f9209c3360c6b922 b8e85a90a7e5cd8a0db4fc17f9209c3360c6b922 TRUNK-4530| Bharti,Deepak | Fix getDrugs to search for concept name or drug name
TRUNK-4530| Fix getCountOfDrugs to search for concept name or drug name
Wyclif Luyima Wyclif Luyima 0050bb99e40319f0b159db5da63f1129d22aaefe 0050bb99e40319f0b159db5da63f1129d22aaefe TRUNK-4532 | Chethan, Deepak| Fix validation while saving revised order overlapping with active order
TRUNK-4532| Add test for saving revised order not overlapping with active order
Wyclif Luyima Wyclif Luyima d0011a02a0b561668ee7248662b5e7e6ddcde17f d0011a02a0b561668ee7248662b5e7e6ddcde17f Quantity units are too limited on drug orders - TRUNK-4524

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-4524Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-4530Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-4532Could not obtain issue details from Jira