Build: #1558 was successful Scheduled with changes by 4 people

Jira issues

This page shows the Jira issues that have been linked to this build. This includes issues specified in commit messages, labels or comments, as well as issues manually linked to this build.

Related issues (5 issues)
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions Related Builds Operations
Bug TRUNK-5061 Add test to FormServiceImpl.getForms Closed Jeyasumangala Rasanayagam Core 2.2.0 3 related builds
Bug TRUNK-5228 PatientProgram: If a program is completed, voidPatientState should set end date of previous state to date completed of program Closed Mark Goodrich Platform 2.2.0, Core 2.2.0 3 related builds
Bug TRUNK-5229 PatientProgram: If you transition to a new state when a program is complete, the state end date should be set to the completion date of the program Closed Mark Goodrich Platform 2.2.0, Core 2.2.0 3 related builds
Bug TRUNK-5230 PatientProgram: When completing a program, the end date of the most recent state in each workflow should be set to the completion date of the program Closed Shifona Garg Platform 2.2.0, Core 2.2.0 3 related builds
Sub-task TRUNK-5360 Migrate existing condition data captured via the emrapi module Closed Iheanyichukwu Kelechi Core 2.2.0 5 related builds