Build projects related to O3
Plan Build Completed Tests Reason
Build Backend Last build was successful #91 3 days ago No tests found Changes by Daniel Kayiwa
Build Frontend Last build was successful #1275 12 hours ago No tests found Manual run by Github Actions
Build Gateway Last build was successful #5 4 months ago No tests found Changes by Ian Bacher
Create Pre-filled Docker Containers Last build was successful #79 3 days ago No tests found Child of O3-BK-91
Create Updated QA Release Last build was successful #4 1 month ago No tests found Manual run by Ian Bacher
Deploy to Dev3 Last build was successful #1328 12 hours ago No tests found Child of O3-BF-1275
Publish Frontend Assembly Last build was successful #1249 12 hours ago No tests found Child of O3-BF-1275
Publish QA Release Last build was successful #20 1 month ago No tests found Tag 3.2.0-rc.3 build