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Code commits


  • kyampeire Hadijah <>

    kyampeire Hadijah <> a7cbb73968657d02ce7aaa362a60e865ff2c19ed

    Merge pull request #657 from openmrs/OCLOMRS-929
    OCLOMRS-929: Obscure api token on user profile page

  • Burke Mamlin <>

    Burke Mamlin <> 609389f99dcb6a8f775e913ac3a88923a38a34e7 m

    OCLOMRS-929: Obscure api token on user profile page
    This change uses a simple blur effect to obscure the user's API token on their profile page. The token is visible on hover and can be copied to clipboard just as before. This simple approach can help protect user API tokens from being accidentally compromised until we come up with a better approach.

    • src/apps/authentication/components/UserTokenDetails.tsx (version 609389f99dcb6a8f775e913ac3a88923a38a34e7)