Build: #1620 failed

Job: Run tests failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Build

  2. Test

  3. Deploy for testing

    Requires a user to start manually
  4. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Job result summary

4 minutes
e54e0722805fa786b2d1a4801d7d91036fc6ef7d e54e0722805fa786b2d1a4801d7d91036fc6ef7d
Failing since
#1617 (Code changes detected – )
Fixed in
#1621 (Code changes detected)
No failed test found. A possible compilation error occurred.

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

FAIL: test_put_200 (core.integration_tests.tests_concepts.ConceptCreateUpdateDestroyViewTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/code/core/integration_tests/tests_concepts.py", line 175, in test_put_200
AssertionError: Lists differ: ['che[147 chars]'names', 'owner', 'owner_type', 'owner_url', '[190 chars]url'] != ['che[147 chars]'name', 'names', 'owner', 'owner_type', 'owner[198 chars]url']

First differing element 11:

Second list contains 1 additional elements.
First extra element 29:

+  'name',

FAIL: test_put_200_openmrs_schema (core.integration_tests.tests_concepts.ConceptCreateUpdateDestroyViewTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/code/core/integration_tests/tests_concepts.py", line 251, in test_put_200_openmrs_schema
AssertionError: Lists differ: ['che[147 chars]'names', 'owner', 'owner_type', 'owner_url', '[190 chars]url'] != ['che[147 chars]'name', 'names', 'owner', 'owner_type', 'owner[198 chars]url']

First differing element 11:

Second list contains 1 additional elements.
First extra element 29:

+  'name',

Ran 789 tests in 203.093s

FAILED (failures=4, errors=7, skipped=2)
Preserving test database for alias 'default' ('test_postgres')...
Stopping ocl-oclapi2-rt_es_1 ...
Stopping ocl-oclapi2-rt_db_1 ...
Stopping ocl-oclapi2-rt_db_1 ... done
Stopping ocl-oclapi2-rt_es_1 ... done
Removing ocl-oclapi2-rt_es_1 ...
Removing ocl-oclapi2-rt_db_1 ...
Removing ocl-oclapi2-rt_es_1 ... done
Removing ocl-oclapi2-rt_db_1 ... done
Removing network ocl-oclapi2-rt_default
Removing volume ocl-oclapi2-rt_postgres-data
Removing volume ocl-oclapi2-rt_es-data