Build: #1496 failed Changes by Mark Goodrich <>

Stages & jobs

  1. Build and push

  2. Validate

  3. Update versions

  4. Release

    Requires a user to start manually
  5. Release 2nd stage

  6. Release 3rd stage

Build result summary


Queue duration
22 seconds
5 minutes
OpenMRS Platform
ff06b97b522c2ec4020e704c4d23c7f9b0ef39cc ff06b97b522c2ec4020e704c4d23c7f9b0ef39cc
Release scripts
ced9ff00825ca1cb8c744547be4ba8ff994bd71b ced9ff00825ca1cb8c744547be4ba8ff994bd71b
8764f606ae3c4fd11bb95998e0b1fea74cbc3d8b 8764f606ae3c4fd11bb95998e0b1fea74cbc3d8b
Standalone Platform Pre 2.4
c900cf54e912db0b64dbdabeb5159d55a4423075 c900cf54e912db0b64dbdabeb5159d55a4423075
60ac6d91c7e4ca7411f68ae9bf84d0550289952f 60ac6d91c7e4ca7411f68ae9bf84d0550289952f
Fixed in
#1497 (Manual run by Mark Goodrich)
No failed test found. A possible compilation error occurred.


  • mogoodrich mogoodrich Automatically assigned

Code commits
Author Commit Message Commit date
Mark Goodrich <> Mark Goodrich <> 8764f606ae3c4fd11bb95998e0b1fea74cbc3d8b 8764f606ae3c4fd11bb95998e0b1fea74cbc3d8b RESTWS-953:Support setting values of type "Location" (#618)
(standardize UUID method)

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeRESTWS-953Could not obtain issue details from Jira

Error summary for Build and push

The job generated some errors, drill down into the full build log for more details.

#17 175.0 Downloaded from openmrs-repo: (185 kB at 145 kB/s)
#17 175.8 [INFO]
#17 175.8 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ platform ---
#17 176.7 [INFO] Installing /openmrs_distro/target/platform-2.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /usr/share/maven/ref/repository/org/openmrs/distro/platform/2.7.0-SNAPSHOT/platform-2.7.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
#17 176.7 [INFO] Installing /openmrs_distro/pom.xml to /usr/share/maven/ref/repository/org/openmrs/distro/platform/2.7.0-SNAPSHOT/platform-2.7.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
#17 176.8 [INFO] Installing /openmrs_distro/target/bundled-distro/web/openmrs.war to /usr/share/maven/ref/repository/org/openmrs/distro/platform/2.7.0-SNAPSHOT/platform-2.7.0-SNAPSHOT.war
#17 177.4 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#17 177.4 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#17 177.4 [INFO] Total time:  02:39 min
#17 177.4 [INFO] Finished at: 2024-08-13T16:05:28Z
#17 177.4 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#17 DONE 177.9s

#20 [linux/arm64 dev 5/6] RUN cp /openmrs_distro/target/distro/web/openmrs.war /openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/ &&     cp /openmrs_distro/target/distro/web/ /openmrs/distribution/ &&     cp -R /openmrs_distro/target/distro/web/modules /openmrs/distribution/openmrs_modules &&     cp -R /openmrs_distro/target/distro/web/owa /openmrs/distribution/openmrs_owas
#20 DONE 0.9s

#21 [linux/arm64 dev 6/6] RUN mvn clean -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml
#21 12.79 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
#21 14.29 [INFO]
#21 14.30 [INFO] --------------------< org.openmrs.distro:platform >---------------------
#21 14.30 [INFO] Building OpenMRS Platform 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT
#21 14.33 [INFO]   from pom.xml
#21 14.35 [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
#21 15.26 [INFO]
#21 15.27 [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ platform ---
#21 16.45 [INFO] Deleting /openmrs_distro/target
#21 16.47 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#21 16.47 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#21 16.48 [INFO] Total time:  3.856 s
#21 16.48 [INFO] Finished at: 2024-08-13T16:05:46Z
#21 16.48 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#21 DONE 16.6s

#22 exporting to image
#22 exporting layers
#22 WARN: Requested platforms linux/amd64 do not match result platforms linux/amd64,linux/arm64
#22 exporting layers 29.9s done
#22 exporting manifest sha256:83138ecaf0ab42cf255c5fd10eeb8b3a4cdf41f66cc160cdc175eb9956b68763 0.0s done
#22 exporting config sha256:6335b00a9b61762a26c46f13b141a771eb3e3f06c0ec840270eb8de0cdb85033 0.0s done
#22 exporting manifest sha256:c8fe7724ba580914c75d2fb296a534d2a9cdf13f0f2c419805eb8e24361ac5bf 0.0s done
#22 exporting config sha256:4f0221c007502dc4d1705f811c2ec3472792861a0d6bf999043b025611a73949 0.0s done
#22 exporting manifest list sha256:72139cabf6b5207e8bcad84c31d2c77f4b58ab7220a2df5260746739cc281c70 0.0s done
#22 pushing layers
#22 ...

#23 [auth] openmrs/openmrs-platform:pull,push token for
#23 DONE 0.0s

#22 exporting to image
#22 pushing layers 14.5s done
#22 pushing manifest for
#22 pushing manifest for 0.7s done
#22 DONE 45.3s

2 warnings found (use --debug to expand):
 - FromAsCasing: 'as' and 'FROM' keywords' casing do not match (line 4)
- Requested platforms linux/amd64 do not match result platforms linux/amd64,linux/arm64
Unable to find image 'openmrs/openmrs-platform:dev' locally
dev: Pulling from openmrs/openmrs-platform
99e9b04a7dc2: Already exists
a2eb390d8979: Already exists
0b0110d2215d: Already exists
7ff24b5df5a7: Already exists
9c20fbcec6e1: Already exists
99ef6b3f3ef5: Already exists
637b0bdc9166: Already exists
e08339e81a26: Already exists
0c7e39cae04b: Already exists
49415ef862d4: Already exists
5b1cdfeb60fd: Already exists
939ed3e8e17b: Already exists
3702f3694c8f: Already exists
6fc95aadd3b7: Already exists
9b4d937c23dc: Pulling fs layer
32bfd91b3f10: Pulling fs layer
10be7620ff93: Pulling fs layer
3be7ec7e3667: Pulling fs layer
42a328176c7e: Pulling fs layer
3be7ec7e3667: Waiting
42a328176c7e: Waiting
9b4d937c23dc: Verifying Checksum
9b4d937c23dc: Download complete
32bfd91b3f10: Verifying Checksum
32bfd91b3f10: Download complete
9b4d937c23dc: Pull complete
32bfd91b3f10: Pull complete
42a328176c7e: Download complete
3be7ec7e3667: Verifying Checksum
3be7ec7e3667: Download complete
10be7620ff93: Verifying Checksum
10be7620ff93: Download complete
10be7620ff93: Pull complete
3be7ec7e3667: Pull complete
42a328176c7e: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:72139cabf6b5207e8bcad84c31d2c77f4b58ab7220a2df5260746739cc281c70
Status: Downloaded newer image for openmrs/openmrs-platform:dev
Aug 13, 2024 4:07:15 PM org.jline.utils.Log logr
WARNING: Unable to create a system terminal, creating a dumb terminal (enable debug logging for more information)