Build: #24 failed

Job: Release to maven failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Update versions

  2. Build

  3. Push docker image

  4. Validate

  5. Release

    Requires a user to start manually
  6. Release 2nd stage

  7. Release 3rd stage

Job result summary

5 minutes
Custom revisionCustom build
OpenMRS Platform
273f58d86f353d93a33150abc80ec8111efbd811 273f58d86f353d93a33150abc80ec8111efbd811
Release scripts
c4475a9228b197817dce78683d9da8a1e2c4e3a5 c4475a9228b197817dce78683d9da8a1e2c4e3a5
Failing since
#21 (Manual run from the stage: Release by Ian Bacher)
Fixed in
#26 (Manual run from the stage: Release by tendo kiiza Martyn)
No failed test found. A possible compilation error occurred.

Custom variables

Custom revision
273f58d86f353d93a33150abc80ec8111efbd811 273f58d86f353d93a33150abc80ec8111efbd811