Main branch of the Queue Module

Plan summary

Current activity

No builds are currently running.

Recent history

Status Reason Completed Test results Flags
#34 Changes by Wikum Weerakutti <> 19 hours ago 183 passed
#33 Changes by Herman Muhereza <> 2 weeks ago 183 passed
#32 Manual run from the stage: Release by Dennis Kigen 3 months ago 183 passed
#31 Changes by Tusha <> 4 months ago 183 passed
#30 Changes by Mark Goodrich <> 5 months ago 183 passed
#29 Changes by Tusha <> 5 months ago 183 passed
#28 Changes by Michael Seaton <> and Tusha <> 6 months ago 183 passed
#27 Changes by chibongho <> 6 months ago 183 passed
#26 Changes by Makombe Kennedy <> 7 months ago 182 passed
#25 Manual run from the stage: Release by Mike Seaton 7 months ago 182 passed
  • Showing 1-10 of 10

Plan statistics

  • 25 builds
  • 100% successful
  • 2473m average duration

&ldquo;Queue Module - Queue Module&rdquo; all builds RSS feed Feed for all builds or just the failed builds.