* #175: Fixed problem with HibernateProxy in order to fetch proper PatientIdentifierType UUID
* #215: Persist ids generated by the MPI in OpenMRS and fix problems with filtering fetched patients
* #215: Fixed problems with ConcurrentModificationException durling filtering fetched patients
* * Delete enum biometricTemplateFormat.
* #205: Adjustment saveBiometricsForPatient method to m2Sys module
* #205: Added registerPatient method with biometic data
* #205: Removed unnecessary calling method by service
* #205: Added generateBiometricData method
* #205: Fixed problems with bad biometrics engine status
* #175: Removed deproxy method
* #175: Removed unused imports
* #205: Moved generateBiometicData method to registrationapp
* #327: Added contition for pdq search.
* Creating a global property and setting the registration constant so users can define the fingerprint Identifier Type UUID. This is referenced by the fingerprint fragments.
* #348 Added PDQ search by identifier
* #355 Added fields to PIX create/update message
* Fix checks when searching for patient using IDs (PDQ)
* Generate primary identifier for imported patients
* Reuse the code
* If we don't generate this id, patient fail to import (if they don't
have it in the MPI)
* Fix code smells
* Fix test to check for the new id generation
* Fixed order of params in asserts as well
* Fix issues with PDQ patient fetcher:
* Fetch properly using the id (ECID)
* Return an org.openmrs.Patient that can be persisted
* Removed improper use of idsource var
* Generate OpenMRS id only if patient doesn't have it
* Added new var to mark OpenMRS id
* Removed m2sys, biometric and fingerprint code
* fixed minor typos that were creating errors
* fixed merge by removing unresolved conflict in config.xml
* Removed XDS-Sender Module dependancy
* refactored to remove references to ECID in pixpdq code, also set global property defaults
* Fixed bugs in refactoring of references to ECID and used mpiproperties instead of registrationcoreconstants
* added in liquibase to create the MPI global identifier in Patient_Identifier_Types table
* Started creating more unit and context sensitive tests for pixpdq
* Created context sensitive test for exportPatient and interpretPIDSegments
* Modified pdqSimilarPatientSearcher to send both name and identifiers and included check before pix patient export to ensure no patient exitsts in mpi
* added checking for exisiting patient on mpi in exportPatient, checks on list of patients returned by pdqPatientFetcher, moved query creation for pdqSimilarPatientSearcher to pixPdqMessageUtil and modified logic
* Fixed empty address bug and gender bug in patientToQPD3Params
* Attempt to fix async registerPatient MPI issue, experiencing issues connecting with openempi
* [MPI-1] proof of concept for using SubscribableEventListener on Patient CREATE and UPDATE events as opposed to PatientRegistrationEvent
* [MPI-1] Converted Listeners, further testing and clean up required
* [MPI-1] fixed patient import bug when patient has multiple of same identifier
* Resolved [MP1-1], WIP [MPI-11]Updating of Locally generated ID in MPI after MPI import not occurring
* Fixed Typo in openmrsIdenitfier in registrationcoreconstansts
* Changed returned object of importMpiPatient to Patient rather than Uuid
* refactored such that findMpiPatient returns MpiPatient and not Patient
* Ignored tests that are dependent on Openmrs-Core 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
* Added some javadocs and TODOs from code review
* Added Javadocs, removed redundant and unused findByPatientIdentifier method, put registration event firing back in and necessary registrationcore constants, changed loggers to private from protected
* Experimenting with mixing context and mocks
* Changed the way registrationCoreService is called by the listeners and removed some experiments with tests and created an exception when getting patient to replace log
* working through code review comments and created stub for ticket RC-31
* fixed bug created during refactor to remove getcomponentbypropertyname and put back set patient creator when creating identifier
* Changes made based on code review
* Moved MPI credentials to runtime properties file
* test to create util method getBeanFromName
* fixed tests broken by change
* refactored to remove hl7senderholder
* removed some default values for global properties
* added documentation and removed getter from interface