Plan responsible for building Docker images for the 3.x demo and development sites
Build: #1913 was successful
Job: Build Frontend was successful
Job result summary
- Completed
- Duration
- 2 minutes
- Agent
- Revision
18d65144e8de0b3083b2ee3ff545b6fc2e36082d - Successful since
- #1743 ()
Error summary
The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.
#19 44.57 asset [1m[32micon_256x256.c729f6e7e914b58fcea5ce91d7aa9bad.png[39m[22m 6.87 KiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m
#19 44.57 + 4 assets
#19 44.57 asset [1m[32mindex.html[39m[22m 3 KiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m
#19 44.57 asset [1m[32mlogo.svg[39m[22m 1.33 KiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m [from: ../@openmrs/esm-app-shell/src/assets/logo.svg] [1m[32m[copied][39m[22m
#19 44.57 asset [1m[32mmanifest.c61e464ba60302bdc2442acdd49954f1.json[39m[22m 1.2 KiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m
#19 44.57 asset [1m[32mfavicon.ico[39m[22m 1.12 KiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m [from: ../@openmrs/esm-app-shell/src/assets/favicon.ico] [1m[32m[copied][39m[22m
#19 44.57 Entrypoint [1mmain[39m[22m [1m[33m[big][39m[22m 2.45 MiB (1.53 MiB) = [1m[32mopenmrs.fdcb289a73e92cfc.css[39m[22m 1.3 MiB [1m[32mopenmrs.f584e877aba02229.js[39m[22m 1.14 MiB 2 auxiliary assets
#19 44.57 orphan modules 10.9 MiB (javascript) 39.7 KiB (css/mini-extract) 2.4 MiB (asset) 46.2 KiB (runtime) [1m[33m[orphan][39m[22m 1487 modules
#19 44.57 runtime modules 19.1 KiB 14 modules
#19 44.57 built modules 4.35 MiB (javascript) 1.31 MiB (css/mini-extract) 420 bytes (share-init) 420 bytes (consume-shared) [1m[33m[built][39m[22m
#19 44.57 javascript modules 4.35 MiB 227 modules
#19 44.57 css modules 1.31 MiB
#19 44.57 modules by path [1m../@react-spectrum/[39m[22m 582 KiB 11 modules
#19 44.57 modules by path [1m../@openmrs/[39m[22m 759 KiB 3 modules
#19 44.57 provide-module modules 420 bytes
#19 44.57 modules by path [1mprovide shared module (default) @openmrs/[39m[22m 84 bytes 2 modules
#19 44.57 + 8 modules
#19 44.57 consume-shared-module modules 420 bytes
#19 44.57 modules by path [1mconsume shared module (default) @openmrs/[39m[22m 84 bytes 2 modules
#19 44.57 + 8 modules
#19 44.57
#19 44.57 [1m[33mWARNING[39m[22m in [1masset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
#19 44.57 This can impact web performance.
#19 44.57 Assets:
#19 44.57 openmrs.fdcb289a73e92cfc.css (1.3 MiB)
#19 44.57 openmrs.f584e877aba02229.js (1.14 MiB)[39m[22m
#19 44.57
#19 44.57 [1m[33mWARNING[39m[22m in [1mentrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
#19 44.57 Entrypoints:
#19 44.57 main (2.45 MiB)
#19 44.57 openmrs.fdcb289a73e92cfc.css
#19 44.57 openmrs.f584e877aba02229.js
#19 44.57 [39m[22m
#19 44.57
#19 44.57 webpack 5.89.0 compiled with [1m[33m2 warnings[39m[22m in 35972 ms
#19 44.57 [openmrs] Build finished.
#19 DONE 44.8s
#20 [linux/amd64 dev 7/7] RUN if [ ! -f ./spa/index.html ]; then echo 'Build failed. Please check the logs above for details. This may have happened because of an update to a library that OpenMRS depends on.'; exit 1; fi
#20 DONE 0.1s
#21 [linux/arm64 stage-1 2/7] RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add --no-cache moreutils
#22 [linux/arm64 stage-1 3/7] RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
#23 [linux/arm64 stage-1 5/7] RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
#24 [linux/arm64 stage-1 4/7] COPY /usr/local/bin/
#25 [linux/arm64 stage-1 6/7] COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
#26 [linux/amd64 stage-1 3/7] RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
#27 [linux/amd64 stage-1 4/7] COPY /usr/local/bin/
#28 [linux/amd64 stage-1 5/7] RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
#29 [linux/amd64 stage-1 2/7] RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add --no-cache moreutils
#30 [linux/amd64 stage-1 6/7] COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
#31 [linux/amd64 stage-1 7/7] COPY --from=dev /app/spa /usr/share/nginx/html
#31 DONE 1.0s
#32 [linux/arm64 stage-1 7/7] COPY --from=dev /app/spa /usr/share/nginx/html
#32 DONE 1.0s
#33 exporting to image
#33 exporting layers
#33 exporting layers 9.0s done
#33 exporting manifest sha256:c7ccf6f7ef07e75d2ed828946c7aad7296bd216d878cfa7b98fb17b40d81a867 0.0s done
#33 exporting config sha256:1dca6817bb0e6fa352689711a28bd93b2f3943de76bdb37acbba17bf67dff8d5 0.0s done
#33 exporting manifest sha256:8e6a174c27c9c927d74d32887e556772806dfabf72700cd66a582389dc9185fa 0.0s done
#33 exporting config sha256:b34d3a3503dac2ee62f978ab7eb2e0ee41cccdd613965981ecaff32faa007802
#33 exporting config sha256:b34d3a3503dac2ee62f978ab7eb2e0ee41cccdd613965981ecaff32faa007802 0.0s done
#33 exporting manifest list sha256:8e68a9a2f210da8a9c75036d3355c892c329cc0e238dcf07431e36824aa168b3 0.0s done
#33 pushing layers
#33 ...
#34 [auth] openmrs/openmrs-reference-application-3-frontend:pull,push token for
#34 DONE 0.0s
#33 exporting to image
#33 pushing layers 3.7s done
#33 pushing manifest for
#33 pushing manifest for 0.8s done
#33 pushing layers 0.8s done
#33 pushing manifest for
#33 pushing manifest for 0.4s done
#33 DONE 14.9s
#19 44.57 + 4 assets
#19 44.57 asset [1m[32mindex.html[39m[22m 3 KiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m
#19 44.57 asset [1m[32mlogo.svg[39m[22m 1.33 KiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m [from: ../@openmrs/esm-app-shell/src/assets/logo.svg] [1m[32m[copied][39m[22m
#19 44.57 asset [1m[32mmanifest.c61e464ba60302bdc2442acdd49954f1.json[39m[22m 1.2 KiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m
#19 44.57 asset [1m[32mfavicon.ico[39m[22m 1.12 KiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m [from: ../@openmrs/esm-app-shell/src/assets/favicon.ico] [1m[32m[copied][39m[22m
#19 44.57 Entrypoint [1mmain[39m[22m [1m[33m[big][39m[22m 2.45 MiB (1.53 MiB) = [1m[32mopenmrs.fdcb289a73e92cfc.css[39m[22m 1.3 MiB [1m[32mopenmrs.f584e877aba02229.js[39m[22m 1.14 MiB 2 auxiliary assets
#19 44.57 orphan modules 10.9 MiB (javascript) 39.7 KiB (css/mini-extract) 2.4 MiB (asset) 46.2 KiB (runtime) [1m[33m[orphan][39m[22m 1487 modules
#19 44.57 runtime modules 19.1 KiB 14 modules
#19 44.57 built modules 4.35 MiB (javascript) 1.31 MiB (css/mini-extract) 420 bytes (share-init) 420 bytes (consume-shared) [1m[33m[built][39m[22m
#19 44.57 javascript modules 4.35 MiB 227 modules
#19 44.57 css modules 1.31 MiB
#19 44.57 modules by path [1m../@react-spectrum/[39m[22m 582 KiB 11 modules
#19 44.57 modules by path [1m../@openmrs/[39m[22m 759 KiB 3 modules
#19 44.57 provide-module modules 420 bytes
#19 44.57 modules by path [1mprovide shared module (default) @openmrs/[39m[22m 84 bytes 2 modules
#19 44.57 + 8 modules
#19 44.57 consume-shared-module modules 420 bytes
#19 44.57 modules by path [1mconsume shared module (default) @openmrs/[39m[22m 84 bytes 2 modules
#19 44.57 + 8 modules
#19 44.57
#19 44.57 [1m[33mWARNING[39m[22m in [1masset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
#19 44.57 This can impact web performance.
#19 44.57 Assets:
#19 44.57 openmrs.fdcb289a73e92cfc.css (1.3 MiB)
#19 44.57 openmrs.f584e877aba02229.js (1.14 MiB)[39m[22m
#19 44.57
#19 44.57 [1m[33mWARNING[39m[22m in [1mentrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
#19 44.57 Entrypoints:
#19 44.57 main (2.45 MiB)
#19 44.57 openmrs.fdcb289a73e92cfc.css
#19 44.57 openmrs.f584e877aba02229.js
#19 44.57 [39m[22m
#19 44.57
#19 44.57 webpack 5.89.0 compiled with [1m[33m2 warnings[39m[22m in 35972 ms
#19 44.57 [openmrs] Build finished.
#19 DONE 44.8s
#20 [linux/amd64 dev 7/7] RUN if [ ! -f ./spa/index.html ]; then echo 'Build failed. Please check the logs above for details. This may have happened because of an update to a library that OpenMRS depends on.'; exit 1; fi
#20 DONE 0.1s
#21 [linux/arm64 stage-1 2/7] RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add --no-cache moreutils
#22 [linux/arm64 stage-1 3/7] RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
#23 [linux/arm64 stage-1 5/7] RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
#24 [linux/arm64 stage-1 4/7] COPY /usr/local/bin/
#25 [linux/arm64 stage-1 6/7] COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
#26 [linux/amd64 stage-1 3/7] RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
#27 [linux/amd64 stage-1 4/7] COPY /usr/local/bin/
#28 [linux/amd64 stage-1 5/7] RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
#29 [linux/amd64 stage-1 2/7] RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add --no-cache moreutils
#30 [linux/amd64 stage-1 6/7] COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
#31 [linux/amd64 stage-1 7/7] COPY --from=dev /app/spa /usr/share/nginx/html
#31 DONE 1.0s
#32 [linux/arm64 stage-1 7/7] COPY --from=dev /app/spa /usr/share/nginx/html
#32 DONE 1.0s
#33 exporting to image
#33 exporting layers
#33 exporting layers 9.0s done
#33 exporting manifest sha256:c7ccf6f7ef07e75d2ed828946c7aad7296bd216d878cfa7b98fb17b40d81a867 0.0s done
#33 exporting config sha256:1dca6817bb0e6fa352689711a28bd93b2f3943de76bdb37acbba17bf67dff8d5 0.0s done
#33 exporting manifest sha256:8e6a174c27c9c927d74d32887e556772806dfabf72700cd66a582389dc9185fa 0.0s done
#33 exporting config sha256:b34d3a3503dac2ee62f978ab7eb2e0ee41cccdd613965981ecaff32faa007802
#33 exporting config sha256:b34d3a3503dac2ee62f978ab7eb2e0ee41cccdd613965981ecaff32faa007802 0.0s done
#33 exporting manifest list sha256:8e68a9a2f210da8a9c75036d3355c892c329cc0e238dcf07431e36824aa168b3 0.0s done
#33 pushing layers
#33 ...
#34 [auth] openmrs/openmrs-reference-application-3-frontend:pull,push token for
#34 DONE 0.0s
#33 exporting to image
#33 pushing layers 3.7s done
#33 pushing manifest for
#33 pushing manifest for 0.8s done
#33 pushing layers 0.8s done
#33 pushing manifest for
#33 pushing manifest for 0.4s done
#33 DONE 14.9s